Friday, June 18, 2010

Alot of changes in the past year!

Got married, had surgery, separated, met someone, got pregnant! So hang on to your seats, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Well as some of you know a certain little surprise has come into the picture. Mother nature was late last month and I was feeling nauseated all the time and my boobs were hurting and growing(lets face it I was not blessed with boobs, so I know when they are getting bigger! lol) so on June 3rd I took not 1 but 2 home pregnancy test! And you guys know that is suppose to take up to 3 minutes to confirm........well it didn't! lol It took like 2 seconds! So of course I called a relative and no it wasn't good ole mom! It was her mom, my grandmother! lol When she answered the phone the first thing out of my mouth wasn't 'hello', it was "Are you ready to be a GREAT GRANDMOTHER?" She paused for minute and said,"YOUR PREGNANT?!" I said,"Yes, ma'am" and of course I started crying. Because most of you know I didn't want to conceive! Love kids but not for me to have 24/7! My motto has always been "RETURN TO SENDER" lol So I made my own grandmother swear not to tell my parents! I know I am horrible, but we wanted to wait until my doctors appt on 6/15/10 to make sure something was there!

6/15/10 appt-Me and my best friend, Karen, went to my appointment because there was NOOOOO way I was going by myself! So we get into the room and low and behold something WAS there and it looks about 8 wks old! In the ultra sound you can see the head, torso, and an arm! I was fine when they showed it to me, but when I heard the heart beat it was all over...I turned into a big ball bag! lol It was soooo fast and loud!

6/16/2010-Well me and my best friend, Karen,(yes I made her go with me to tell my parents, too! lol She's such a good friend and hey I needed some protection from my parents cuz I didn't know how they would react) So anyway we showed up at my parents' house unannounced and I made them sit by each other and I handed them a card and inside was a poem and the ultra sound! Dad says first "what is this?" That is such a man! lol Anyways and mom said,"It looks like an ultra sound!?!?" "Please tell me this is Karen's ultra sound!" We couldn't help but laugh and I said,"No it's mine!" And after that the rest is history.

I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.
I don't yet a have a name.

Not yet can you hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.

But all that will change come this January;
When they say I am due.
I am your newest grandchild;
And I can't wait until I meet you!

All I ask between now and then
Is your love for me to grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait;
Just think of all the joy we'll know!

So as you're waiting patiently,
Please pray lots of prayers for me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!

6/17/2010-First thing when I got to work mom was already calling me asking if they could tell people and that we are going shopping for maturnity clothes, and get the nursery together, and wonder what she wanted the little one to call her...So I guess now that it has soaked in....I think everyone is EXCITED! I was the first granddaughter and now this will be the first great grand and i think the first great great grand but not sure!

Well I'm beat and this was alot to write so...I'll keep you updated and get some pictures posted. Everybody is wondering who Derek(the daddy) is, what he looks like, where he works, when they are going to meet him.....etc, so I'll get some pictures up hopefully soon!

Well until next time...............


  1. Your poem made me want to cry! I am still in shock...after all your "I love them, but none for me" talk...but I am very excited for you. Talk about change...your in for it baby! But it will be so worth it! Know that we love you and are praying for you and your "little miracle".

  2. Babies are God's little miracles.
    Know that yours will be loved. Will be praying for you and the baby. Enjoy this preparation time and capture the memories so you can one day share with your "little miracle" how much he or she was loved from the very beginning. Your life will never be the same as you know it now and there will be ups and downs, but it will always be better for the love you will share with your child. You will be a great mom! Love ya, Jan

  3. I know when I first found out I tried to read it to grandmaw and I started crying! Im surprised mom didn't! Well just know Im not competing with you! lol There's no way Im having five! lmao Anyways I got to hear the heart beat and my whole attitude changed and Im getting alittle more excited everyday! That will probably all change once I get into the delivery room! Im gonna say "epidural please!" lol

  4. Thanx Jan! I just hope I have the patience for it!

  5. Your poem made me cry. It was sooo sweet! I'm so happy and excited for you. You are going to be a great mom and I'm so proud of you! Miss and love you!

    Love Christie Watson

  6. I know I tried to read it my grandmaw and couldn't bc I cried! lol Thanx Christie! Miss and love you too!
