Friday, September 3, 2010


Well grandma finally got a new mobile home to get out of her....let's just say...outdated and old home! lol Mom, Dad, Colby, and I are traveling to Arkansas to TRY to get stuff washed, moved, and of course EAT! Well if any of you know grandma she waits til the last minute for things. lol We still have to go through her clothes, paperwork, etc so that the unwanted or what I like to say, "packrat stuff"..stuff she doesn't need, doesn't make it over there! Wish us all luck, cuz we are going to need it!
At least Grandma will be happy in her "NEW" and "CLEAN" home! Love you Grandma you deserve it!


  1. so, were you able to get her moved without the "pack rat" stuff?

  2. yes...well so far!!! She gets her electric on 9/10/10 so then we will finish up. She's still got her clothes and dishes to move, but got to have electricity to wash them.
